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How to Use any Proxy? (Bungeecord, Waterfall, Velocity & etc)

This page demonstrates to how you can add / use any proxy software in Reyo.

How to use any Proxy Software? (Bungeecord, Waterfall, Velocity & etc)

To add / use any Proxy Software in Xerin, follow the steps: (It is almost same to download any other proxy software!)

Head over to the website where the download link is available to be downloaded, for now, We are giving example of Waterfall, so we will go to ( and select "Waterfall" and download the jar file from there.

Now, Head over to the control panel ( and go to your server.

Go to the files TAB and remove all the files.

After that, upload your jar and rename it waterfall.jar.

Go to startup TAB and rename the jar file from server.jar to waterfall.jar.

After that, start the server and setup the config file for the proxy.

NOTE: If you want to use Bungeecord, we have a pre-made Software given for it so you don't need to follow these steps for it, to install bungeecord, follow the steps below:

Click on Create a Server button.

Enter your server name, location and select "Bungeecord" and create the server and,

You are good to go.

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